Mina Array, 18741922 (aged 47 years)

Birth April 12, 1874 29 25
Birth of a brotherAlbert Booiman
September 17, 1876 (aged 2 years)

Death of a brotherAlbert Booiman
September 17, 1876 (aged 2 years)

Birth of a brotherRoelof Booiman
about 1877 (aged 2 years)
Birth of a brotherJan Booiman
August 10, 1878 (aged 4 years)
Death of a motherJantje Array
December 4, 1878 (aged 4 years)
Death of a brotherJan Booiman
December 10, 1878 (aged 4 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherHillegien Berends Klokker
November 23, 1886 (aged 12 years)
Death of a brotherRoelof Booiman
March 12, 1907 (aged 32 years)
Death of a fatherJan Booiman
December 24, 1908 (aged 34 years)
Death March 12, 1922 (aged 47 years)
Family with parents
Birth: July 29, 1844 36 38Diever, Drenthe, Netherlands
Death: December 24, 1908Dwingeloo, Nederland
Birth: March 10, 1849 51 34Dwingeloo
Death: December 4, 1878Lhee, Dwingeloo, Drente, Netherlands
Marriage MarriageApril 29, 1871Dwingeloo, Drente, Netherlands
4 months
elder sister
Birth: September 7, 1871 27 22
Death: July 18, 1946de Wijk
3 years
Birth: April 12, 1874 29 25Wapse, Diever, Drenthe, Netherlands
Death: March 12, 1922Diever, Drenthe, Netherlands
3 years
younger brother
Birth: September 17, 1876 32 27
Death: September 17, 1876
16 months
younger brother
Birth: about 1877 32 27Lhee, Dwingeloo, Drente, Netherlands
Death: March 12, 1907Zwolle, Overijssel, Netherlands
20 months
younger brother
Birth: August 10, 1878 34 29Lhee, Dwingeloo, Drente, Netherlands
Death: December 10, 1878Steenwijkerwold, Overijssel, Netherlands

Married name : Smit