Gerrit Gorel, 1807–1849 (aged 42 years)
- Name
- Gerrit /Gorel/
Birth | about 1807 |
Birth of a son | Piet Gorel about 1839 (aged 32 years) |
Death of a son | Piet Gorel January 25, 1842 (aged 35 years) |
Marriage | Joanna Hendrika Ter Wehr — View this family August 8, 1842 (aged 35 years) Note: Echtgeno(o)t(e): Gerrit Gorel |
Birth of a daughter | Gerritdina Berendina Gorel about 1842 (aged 35 years) |
Birth of a daughter | Johanna Gorel about 1844 (aged 37 years) |
Birth of a son | Piet Gorel about 1846 (aged 39 years) |
Birth of a daughter | Betje Gorel about 1849 (0 after death) |
Death | November 21, 1849 (aged 42 years) |
himself |
Birth: about 1807 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland Death: November 21, 1849 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland |
wife |
Birth: about 1814 — Zur Unk, Rehlingen-Siersburg, Saarland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Death: December 5, 1882 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland |
Marriage | Marriage — August 8, 1842 — Almelo, Overijssel, The Netherlands |
Birth: about 1839
25 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland Death: January 25, 1842 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland |
4 years
daughter |
Birth: about 1842
28 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland Death: October 15, 1922 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland |
3 years
daughter |
Birth: about 1844
30 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland Death: March 17, 1910 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland |
3 years
son |
4 years
daughter |
Birth: about 1849
35 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland Death: November 10, 1930 — Almelo, Overijssel, Nederland |
Marriage | Echtgeno(o)t(e): Gerrit Gorel |