Jan Bruijnes, 19221998 (aged 76 years)

Birth June 20, 1922 28 27

Birth of a sisterJenny Bruijnes
June 20, 1922 (aged 0 days)
Birth of a brotherCor Bruijnes
December 23, 1925 (aged 3 years)

Death of a motherMarrigje Labots
July 16, 1954 (aged 32 years)
Death of a fatherGerrit Bruijnes
May 21, 1982 (aged 59 years)
Death of a brotherCor Bruijnes
October 10, 1994 (aged 72 years)
Death of a brotherMaarten Bruijnes
November 4, 1995 (aged 73 years)
Death of a sisterJenny Bruijnes
April 5, 1998 (aged 75 years)
Burial of a fatherGerrit Bruijnes

Note: Zuiderzeestraatweg-West.
Burial of a motherMarrigje Labots

Death December 24, 1998 (aged 76 years)
Family with parents
Birth: February 9, 1894Westereind (Oldebroek), Nederland
Death: May 21, 1982Zutphen, Nederland
Birth: November 2, 1894Oldebroek, Nederland
Death: July 16, 1954Oldenzaal, Nederland
Marriage MarriageMay 9, 1918Oldebroek, Nederland
19 months
elder brother
Birth: November 1919 25 24Amersfoort, Nederland
Death: June 20, 1920Amersfoort, Nederland
15 months
elder brother
Birth: January 23, 1921 26 26Amersfoort, Nederland
Death: November 4, 1995Ommen, Nederland
17 months
twin sister
Birth: June 20, 1922 28 27Amersfoort, Nederland
Death: April 5, 1998Oldenzaal, Nederland
Birth: June 20, 1922 28 27
Death: December 24, 1998Eefde, Nederland
4 years
younger brother
Birth: December 23, 1925 31 31
Death: October 10, 1994Amersfoort, Nederland