Doedt Ofckesdr van Dotinga, 14501511 (aged 61 years)

Doedt Ofckesdr /van Dotinga/
Birth 1450 25 30

Birth of a brotherFeddo Offckesz van Dotinga
about 1450 (aged 0)
Death of a maternal grandfatherFedde Pieters van Mernstra Haerda
about 1456 (aged 6 years)
Birth of a brotherDoecke Ofckes van Dotinga (later Heslinga Hesselinga)
about 1458 (aged 8 years)
Birth of a sisterDoedt Olfkes van Dotinga
about 1460 (aged 10 years)

Birth of a sisterRiemcke Ofkesdr (Remert Rieme Reme) Dotinga
about 1465 (aged 15 years)
Birth of a brotherNN Ofckes Dotinga
about 1465 (aged 15 years)
Death of a motherLuts Feddes (Luitya )(Mernstra Toe) van Mernstra thoe Haerda
1465 (aged 15 years)
Death of a brotherNN Ofckes Dotinga
about 1466 (aged 16 years)

Death of a sisterYmck Offckesdr Dotinga
about 1481 (aged 31 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherCatharina Freerks van Harmana (Herema van Tzum)
1485 (aged 35 years)

Death of a fatherOfcke Doeckesz (Ofke Offke) van Dotinga
1485 (aged 35 years)
Death of a sisterDoedt Olfkes van Dotinga
about 1511 (0 after death)

Death about 1511 (aged 61 years)

Family with parents
Marriage MarriageMarssum, Friesland, Netherlands
elder sister
6 years
elder brother
Birth: about 1445 20 25Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: about 1516Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands
3 years
elder sister
Birth: about 1447 22 27Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: about 1481Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands
4 years
Birth: about 1450 25 30Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: July 17, 1529Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
1 year
9 years
younger brother
Birth: about 1458 33 38Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: about 1535Friesland, Netherlands
3 years
younger sister
6 years
younger sister
Birth: about 1465 40 45Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: about 1520Franekeradeel, Friesland, Netherlands
1 year
younger brother
Birth: about 1465 40 45Marssum, Friesland, Netherlands
Death: about 1466